Learn to Play Warlords and Scumbags: Rules & Tips
Players | 3-8 Players |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
Recommended Age | 8+ |
Game Category | Trick-taking |

Warlords and Scumbags Game Overview
Warlords and Scumbags is a fast-paced, trick-taking card game that is perfect for players of all ages. The game is easy to learn and can be played with a standard deck of playing cards. The objective of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all of your cards. The game is played in rounds, with each round consisting of a series of tricks. The player who wins the trick gets to lead the next one. The game continues until one player has no cards left in their hand.
Objective of the Game
The object of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all of your cards. The game is played in rounds, with each round consisting of a series of tricks. The player who wins the trick gets to lead the next one. The game continues until one player has no cards left in their hand.
Materials Needed for Playing Warlords and Scumbags
- Standard deck of playing cards
- Pen and paper for scorekeeping (optional)
Cards Used
Warlords and Scumbags is played with a standard deck of playing cards. Jokers are not used in the game.
Other Supplies Needed
How To Play Warlords and Scumbags
- Shuffle the deck of cards and deal them out to all players. The number of cards dealt to each player depends on the number of players. For 3-4 players, each player gets 13 cards. For 5-6 players, each player gets 10 cards. For 7-8 players, each player gets 8 cards.
- The player to the left of the dealer leads the first trick by playing a card from their hand. The other players must then play a card of the same suit if they have one. If they do not have a card of the same suit, they can play any card from their hand.
- The player who plays the highest card of the same suit as the lead card wins the trick and gets to lead the next one.
- The game continues in this way until one player has no cards left in their hand. That player is the winner of the round.
- The winner of the round becomes the Warlord for the next round, and the player who came in second becomes the Vice Warlord. The player who came in last becomes the Scumbag, and the player who came in second to last becomes the Vice Scumbag.
- The Warlord gets to make the rules for the next round. They can decide how many cards each player gets, which cards are wild, or any other rule they want to make.
- The game continues in this way until one player has won a predetermined number of rounds, or until everyone is tired of playing.
Keeping Score
Scorekeeping in Warlords and Scumbags is optional. If you choose to keep score, the Warlord and Vice Warlord each get one point for winning the round. The Scumbag and Vice Scumbag each get one point for losing the round. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.