Wizard Card Game: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
If you're a fan of card games, you may have heard of the Wizard card game. Designed by Ken Fisher of Toronto, Ontario in 1984, Wizard is a trick-taking card game that has gained popularity over the years. It is based on the game Oh Hell and can be played with three to six players. The game is easy to learn but requires strategy to master.
To understand the basics of the game, each player is dealt a certain number of cards, and they must predict how many tricks they will take in each round. Players earn points based on how accurately they predict their number of tricks, and the game ends when a player reaches a certain number of points. The game includes special Wizard and Jester cards that add an extra layer of strategy to the gameplay.
One of the unique aspects of the Wizard card game is the variety of variations available. Commercially, the game can be purchased with a standard 52-card deck, including four Jester cards and four Wizard cards. However, players can also use a full deck and add Jokers from three other decks. This flexibility allows for endless variations of the game.

Understanding the Basics
The Deck
The Wizard card game is played with a deck of 60 cards, consisting of a regular set of 52 playing cards and 4 Wizards and 4 Jesters. The Jesters are considered the lowest cards in the deck, while the Wizards are the highest. The game can be played with a standard deck of cards, but it is recommended to use a Wizard deck for the best experience.
The Players
The game is designed for 3 to 6 players. Each player is dealt a certain number of cards, depending on the round. The number of cards dealt per round varies, starting with one card in the first round and increasing by one card each subsequent round until the final round where the entire deck is dealt. The objective of the game is to predict how many tricks you will take in each round.
The Dealer
The dealer is determined by any method agreed upon by the players. The dealer shuffles the deck and deals the appropriate number of cards to each player. The remaining cards are placed in a stack face down, and the top card is turned face up to determine the trump suit for that round.
It is important to note that the dealer does not have any advantage in the game. The dealer is simply responsible for shuffling and dealing the cards. After the cards have been dealt, the dealer becomes a player like everyone else.
In summary, the Wizard card game is played with a deck of 60 cards, consisting of a regular set of 52 playing cards and 4 Wizards and 4 Jesters. The game is designed for 3 to 6 players, and the objective is to predict how many tricks you will take in each round. The dealer shuffles and deals the cards and does not have any advantage in the game.
Wizard is a trick-taking card game that is easy to learn but challenging to master. In this section, we will explain how to play the game, including the bidding, trick-taking, and scoring.
At the beginning of each round, players must bid on the number of tricks they think they will win. A trick is a set of cards played by each player, with the highest card of the leading suit winning the trick. The player who wins the bid becomes the “trump” and can choose any suit as the trump suit.
To bid, you must take into account the number of cards in your hand, the strength of your cards, and the cards already played. You can bid any number of tricks from zero to the total number of cards in the round. If you win the number of tricks you bid, you will receive points equal to your bid plus 10. If you fail to win the number of tricks you bid, you will receive negative points equal to your bid.
After the bidding, the player who won the bid becomes the “trump” and can choose any suit as the trump suit. The trump suit outranks all other suits, and any card of the trump suit can beat any card of a different suit. The player to the left of the dealer leads the first trick by playing any card from their hand.
Each player must follow suit if possible, meaning they must play a card of the same suit as the leading card if they have one. If they do not have a card of the leading suit, they can play any card, including a trump card. The player who plays the highest card of the leading suit or the highest trump card wins the trick and leads the next trick.
After all the tricks have been played, players score points based on the number of tricks they won and their bid. If a player wins the exact number of tricks they bid, they receive points equal to their bid plus 10. If they win more or fewer tricks than they bid, they receive negative points equal to their bid.
Players keep track of their scores on a score pad or with a scorekeeper. The game continues for a predetermined number of rounds, and the player with the highest score at the end of the game is the winner.
That’s all you need to know about the gameplay of Wizard. Remember to bid wisely, choose your trump suit carefully, and play your cards strategically to win the most tricks and score the most points.
Key Elements
When playing the Wizard card game, there are several key elements that you need to be aware of to succeed. These include Wizards, Jesters, and Suits.
Wizards are the highest cards in the game. There are four of them in the deck, and they can be played at any time. When a Wizard is played, it automatically wins the trick. However, you can only play one Wizard per round, so use them wisely.
Jesters are the lowest cards in the game. There are four of them in the deck, and they can be played at any time. When a Jester is played, it automatically loses the trick. However, if you play a Jester when you don’t have any cards in the suit that was led, then the Jester becomes a trump suit and wins the trick.
There are four suits in the game: Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, and Spades. Each suit has 13 cards, from the Ace to the King. The suit that is led in a trick is the suit that all players must follow. If you don’t have any cards in the suit that was led, then you can play any card, including a Wizard or a Jester.
In addition to these key elements, there are also Fantasy Wizards and Elves in some editions of the game. These cards have special abilities that can help you win tricks and ultimately win the game. However, they are not present in all editions of the game, so be sure to check the rules before playing.
Overall, understanding the key elements of the Wizard card game is crucial to your success. By mastering the use of Wizards, Jesters, and Suits, you can outwit your opponents and emerge victorious.
Strategy and Tactics
To become a successful Wizard player, you need to have a solid strategy and tactics. Here are some tips to help you improve your gameplay:
Know Your Cards
To play Wizard efficiently, you need to know the value of each card in the deck. Unlike other card games, the Wizard deck has four suits, including the standard Hearts, Spades, Diamonds, and Clubs, and four additional cards – Wizards and Jesters. The Wizards are the highest-ranking cards in the game, while the Jesters are the lowest. Knowing the value of each card will help you make informed decisions when bidding and playing.
Accuracy is Key
Accuracy is crucial in Wizard. You need to be precise when bidding on the number of tricks you will take in a round. A single incorrect bid can cost you points and potentially the game. Therefore, it’s essential to assess your hand carefully and bid accurately.
Play to Win
While playing Wizard, always strive to win as many tricks as possible. You can achieve this by playing your highest-ranking cards first, especially if you have a strong hand. However, be cautious when playing high-ranking cards, as your opponents may have a higher card in their hand.
Challenging Your Opponents
Challenging your opponents is an effective tactic in Wizard. If you believe your opponent has overbid, you can challenge their bid by calling them out. If you’re correct, you’ll earn bonus points, and your opponent will lose points. However, if you’re wrong, you’ll lose points, and your opponent will gain points. Therefore, only challenge when you’re confident in your assessment.
Bluffing is another useful tactic in Wizard. You can use it to trick your opponents into thinking you have a higher-ranking card than you actually do. However, be careful not to overuse this tactic, as your opponents may catch on and call your bluff.
By following these tips, you can improve your Wizard gameplay and increase your chances of winning. Remember to stay focused, be accurate, and play strategically.
Variations of the Game
If you’re a fan of the Wizard card game, you may be interested to know that there are several variations of the game played in different parts of the world. Here are some of the most popular ones:
German Version
In the German version of Wizard, the game is called “Hexenstich” (witch’s sting). The game is played with a standard deck of cards, plus four Wizard cards and four Jester cards. The rules are similar to the original game, but with a few differences. For example, the Wizard cards are worth 20 points instead of 15, and the Jester cards are worth -10 points instead of -30.
Czech Republic Version
In the Czech Republic, Wizard is known as “Fantóm” (phantom). The game is played with a standard deck of cards, plus four Wizard cards and four Jester cards. The rules are similar to the original game, but with a few differences. For example, the Wizard cards are worth 20 points instead of 15, and the Jester cards are worth -10 points instead of -30. In addition, players can bid on the number of tricks they will take, but they must also predict the color of the trump suit.
Greek Version
In Greece, Wizard is known as “Magos” (magician). The game is played with a standard deck of cards, plus four Wizard cards and four Jester cards. The rules are similar to the original game, but with a few differences. For example, the Wizard cards are worth 20 points instead of 15, and the Jester cards are worth -10 points instead of -30. In addition, players can bid on the number of tricks they will take, but they must also predict the exact number of tricks taken by all players combined.
Swiss Version
In Switzerland, Wizard is known as “Vögelin” (little bird). The game is played with a standard deck of cards, plus four Wizard cards and four Jester cards. The rules are similar to the original game, but with a few differences. For example, the Wizard cards are worth 20 points instead of 15, and the Jester cards are worth -10 points instead of -30. In addition, players can bid on the number of tricks they will take, but they must also predict the exact number of tricks taken by all players combined.
Overall, these variations of Wizard add some interesting twists to the original game. If you’re a fan of the game, it’s definitely worth trying out these different versions to see how they compare.
Commercial Aspect
If you’re interested in playing the Wizard card game, you can find it commercially available in many countries, including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Japan. The game was first printed commercially in June 1986 and has remained popular ever since.
The game is available in a variety of versions, including those that use a standard 52-card deck plus four Jester cards and four Wizard cards. Some editions replace the standard playing cards with custom symbols and colors.
If you’re interested in purchasing the game, you can find it at many retailers, both online and in-person. The price can vary depending on the version you choose, but typically ranges from $10-$20.
If you’re a fan of the game and want to take it to the next level, you can even participate in organized tournaments. These tournaments are often held at gaming conventions or local game stores. The winner of the tournament can receive prizes such as cash or other gaming-related items.
Overall, the commercial aspect of the Wizard card game is strong, with many options available for purchasing and playing the game. Whether you’re a casual player or a serious competitor, there is a version of the game that will suit your needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you play the card game Wizard 21?
Wizard 21 is a variation of the classic Wizard card game that involves bidding on the total number of tricks you will take in a round, just like in regular Wizard. However, in Wizard 21, the total number of tricks bid by all players must equal 21. The game is played with a standard deck of 52 cards, plus four Jokers. For more information, check out Gamerules.com’s guide to Wizard.
What is the wizard card game about?
Wizard is a classic trick-taking card game where players bid on the number of tricks they will take in each round. The game is played with a standard deck of 52 cards, plus four Jesters and four Wizards. The objective of the game is to correctly predict the number of tricks you will take in each round. For more information, check out UltraBoardGames’s official game rules.
What is wizard card game similar to?
Wizard is similar to other trick-taking card games like Spades, Hearts, and Bridge. However, Wizard has its own unique twist, with the inclusion of Jesters and Wizards in the deck, and a scoring system that rewards accurate predictions of the number of tricks taken.
How do you play the wizard card game with regular cards?
To play Wizard with regular cards, simply remove the Jokers from three decks of standard playing cards, leaving you with a total of 156 cards. Shuffle the cards together and deal them out according to the rules of Wizard. For more information, check out Gamerules.com’s guide to Wizard.
Are there any online versions of the wizard card game?
Yes, there are several online versions of Wizard available. Some popular options include the Wizard Card Game on Board Game Arena, the Wizard Card Game on Trickster Cards, and the Wizard Card Game app on the App Store.
What are some tips for winning at the wizard card game?
Some tips for winning at Wizard include paying attention to the cards played by other players, trying to predict what cards they might have left in their hand, and being strategic with your bids. It’s also important to communicate with your partner and work together to take tricks. For more tips and strategies, check out Groupersgame’s guide to playing Wizard.