Top Card Games in Lithuania

In Lithuania, card games are not just leisure activities but are embedded in the social fabric, reflecting a deep-rooted cultural tradition. These games are cherished across generations, providing a blend of strategy, skill, and social interaction.

Most Popular Card Game in Lithuania: Tukstantis

The crown jewel of Lithuanian card gaming is “Tukstantis” (Thousand), a game that requires skill, strategy, and a bit of luck. This three-player game uses a 24-card deck from the standard 52-card set, typically consisting of the Ace, 10, King, Queen, Jack, and 9 in each suit. The game’s objective is to be the first to score 1000 points.

Players score points by declaring marriages (King and Queen of the same suit) and winning bouts with high-value cards. A unique element in the Lithuanian variant is the “declarations” phase, where players can declare certain card combinations at the beginning of the game to score extra points.

This game is popular due to its balance of luck and skill, as well as its dynamic nature, which can shift a player from a losing position to winning with strategic plays and sharp memory skills. The social aspect of “Tukstantis” also contributes to its popularity, making it a staple at gatherings.

Other Traditional Card Games Native to Lithuania

  1. Žolių Karai (Herbs War): A simple yet engaging game where players collect sets of herb-themed cards, focusing on quick decision-making.
  2. Durnius (Fool): A classic trick-taking game where the goal is to avoid winning certain tricks that contain penalty points, emphasizing strategic thinking.
  3. Karaliai (Kings): A point-collection game where each card has a specific point value, and the aim is to amass a predetermined number of points through tactical play.
  4. Penkiu kortu pokeris (Five-card poker): Although not unique to Lithuania, this version of poker has localized variations that include different betting phases.
  5. Miestai (Cities): Players compete to “build” cities by collecting sets of cards that represent different city components, requiring forward planning and strategy.

FAQ About Card Gaming Culture in Lithuania

  • What is the best setting to learn card games in Lithuania?
    • Most learn through family and community gatherings, where experienced players pass down traditions.
  • Are there any card game tournaments in Lithuania?
    • Yes, especially for Tukstantis and Durnius, which have both casual and more organized competition scenes.
  • How are card games perceived in Lithuanian culture?
    • They are viewed as an important cultural element that fosters social bonds and strategic thinking.
  • Do young people in Lithuania still play traditional card games?
    • Yes, there’s a resurgence in card gaming among youth, often blending traditional rules with modern twists.


Card games in Lithuania offer a unique window into the nation’s cultural psyche, blending ancient traditions with contemporary enthusiasm. Whether it’s a strategic game of Tukstantis or the quick play of Žolių Karai, these games continue to be a vital part of social life, cherished by all ages. They not only serve as entertainment but also as a means of cultural expression and connection in the heart of Lithuania.